A specific PSPICE conversion to look for is
how PSPICE denotes resistors, capacitors, and inductors in the
.model line. PSPICE uses RES, CAP, and IND where Berkeley
SPICE uses R, C, and L respectively. For instance, a resistor
model in PSPICE will be something like
.model rmod RES ...
whereas Berkeley SPICE will look like
.model rmod R ...
Also, PSPICE's dependent sources can use a VALUE=
syntax and then an equation for the voltage or current. SPICE
doesn't have this syntax but the conversion for this is to replace
the device with a non-linear source, depending on the original
PSPICE device type. For instance:
EFB 12 OUT VALUE={8.822-.4024*V(13,5)+5.250E-3*V(13,5)*V(13,5)
BEFB 12 OUT V = 8.822-.4024*V(13,5)+5.250E-3*V(13,5)*V(13,5)
The "VALUE =" is replaced with a "V=" to denote a voltage source
because the original device was an "E" voltage controlled voltage
source and the "V =" means "voltage equals". If the original device
were a current source F or G type device, the instead of "V=",
you would use "I =" Also there are simply some model parameters
that just have no SPICE equivalent and must be left out. We don't
have a complete list of the non-SPICE syntax but our program will
let you know if it doesn't recognize a parameter and then ignore
it so really nothing has to be done. But it's worth keeping in
mind that the effects of the omission are unknown and must be
Some other differences that you will discover in using 3SPICE:
- You can not use expressions inside sources unless it is part
of polynomials.
- You need to use the arbitrary source "A" rather
than "B".
- The symbol for raising a variable to a power is "^"
not "**".
- The Step function is "u" not "stp".
- The opening "{" cannot be followed by two opening
"((" , you need to insert a space after the opening
These are the most common problems when trying to convert PSPICE
to Berkeley SPICE and there will probably be more specific problems
that are not covered here. PSPICE to Berkeley SPICE conversion
is as much art as science and there's no set way to convert all
cases of PSPICE to Berkeley SPICE. If you have problems, you can
always submit it to us for help.